Dr Tanács Law Firm’s

Copying Policy


1. Purpose of the policy

Dr. Tanács Law Firm (6726 Szeged, Bérkert utca 64/B., hereinafter referred to as “Law Firm“) provides in the course of
its activities the preparation of certified electronic copies of paper documents directly related to its engagements
(hereinafter referred to as “electronic copying“).

When making electronic copies, the member of the law firm produces electronic information from original paper
documents using digitisation, authentication and time stamping technology and stores the resulting electronic

A member of the Law Firm shall conduct electronic copying activities as set out in this Policy, in accordance with the
provisions of the Act LXXVIII of 2017 on the professional activities of attorneys-at-law (hereinafter referred to as:
„Üttv.”); Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General Rules of Electronic Administration and Trust Services (hereinafter referred
to as: „Eüsztv.”) and Government Decree 451/2016 (XII. 19.) on the detailed rules of electronic administration
(hereinafter referred to as: „Eüsz Vhr.”).

2. Scope of the policy

The scope of this Policy applies to all members, employees and any other staff of the Law Firm involved in the electronic
copying process. The scope of the Policy covers electronic copies made in the course of the practice of law and the
copying system used to make copies.

The Policy shall enter into effect on the date of its issue and shall remain in effect indefinitely until revoked or amended.

The lawyer in charge of the office is responsible for compliance with the rules.3. Értelmező rendelkezések

3. Interpretative provisions

When applying these Policies, the terms used in these Policies shall be interpreted in accordance with the following

  1. Digitisation: a process that converts information with an analogue structure into digital information that can
    be processed by computer tools.
  2. Conversion into electronic document form: The conversion of redacted documents and their annexes into
    electronic copies or electronic documents in the context of the activity of a lawyer pursuant to Section 2 (1)
    a) to e) of the Üttv., and the conversion of paper documents not prepared by the practitioner of the
    profession of lawyer into electronic documents pursuant to Section 3 (1) l) of the Üttv.
  3. Authentic electronic copy: a set of data from a non-electronic document, which can be interpreted by means
    of an electronic device, which is produced in accordance with the rules of the Eüsz Vhr. and this Copy Policy,
    and which corresponds to the document in terms of its image or content and which is capable of producing
    legal effects.
  4. Image conformity: the characteristic of an electronic copy that ensures the recognition of the content and
    form of the paper document, which is relevant to the legal effect.
  5. Copying: the making of certified electronic copies of paper documents in the course of a lawyer’s duties.
  6. Copy system: the hardware, software and combination of hardware and software used to make copies.
  7. Metadata: descriptive data that describes the stored document.
  8. Content conformity: the characteristic of an electronic copy that – together with the associated metadata –
    ensures that the content of the paper document, which is relevant to the legal effect, is recognisable, but
    does not ensure visual conformity.

4. The method of making copies

When making an electronic copy of a paper document, a member of the Law Firm shall make a page-by-page electronic
copy of the paper document, determine whether the paper document and the electronic copy correspond in terms of
image or content, and place the following metadata on the electronic copy and clearly associate it with the original paper

  • physical dimensions of the paper document;
  • the name of the person who made the copy and (if the person is different) the name of the person responsible
    for the image match;
  • the exact name and version number of the copy policy;
  • contact details of the applicable copy policy.
  • the time of copymaking.

After placing the metadata mentioned above, the member of the Law Firm – in case of conversion of a paper document
into an electronic document – shall provide the electronic copy with his/her qualified electronic signature with a time
stamp, by which he/she certifies pursuant to Section 46 (3) of the Üttv. that the electronic document was identical in all
respects with the paper document at the time indicated in the time stamp. Otherwise, the member of the Law Firm will
provide the electronic copy of the paper document with a separate certification clausule, which will contain the words
“Matching the original paper document”. This certification clause shall not affect the validity and scope of the certification
pursuant to Section 46 (3) of the Üttv. The document with the certification clause shall be signed by a member of the
Law Firm with a time-stamped qualified electronic signature.

The member of the Law Firm shall also countersign the electronic deed when converting the paper deed countersigned
by him/her into electronic form, pursuant to Section 43 (3) of the Üttv.

The member of the law firm shall keep the electronic document for ten years from the date on which the copy was
made, unless the parties have agreed to keep it for a longer period. The member of the law firm shall keep the paper
document, which he/she has countersigned and converted into electronic form, for five years from the date of
conversion, unless the parties have agreed to keep it for a longer period.

The Law Firm keeps a record of the conversions. The records shall include the date of conversion, the name of the
document converted, the name(s) of the person(s) who digitised or authenticated the document, and the contact details
of the original paper document.

5. Technical and other requirements

Electronic copies are made by scanning paper documents using a reliable scanner with office capacity and a
resolution of at least 200 dpi, in black and white or greyscale. When making copies, documents are scanned
page by page, except for pages that are completely blank (containing no images or text). The result of the scan
is saved as a PDF file.

After scanning, further steps in the copy making process are carried out using the E-signature software of
Microsec Ltd.

When a copy is made, only a copy containing the whole of the paper document is made; no partial copy or
electronic extract is made.

Copying is only successful if a visual match between the paper document and the electronic copy can be
established, i.e. the content and form of the paper document are both recognisable. In all cases, image
conformity is checked individually and page by page; no automatic copy is made.

After a successful copy has been made, the member of the law firm will provide the electronic document with
metadata using the E-signature software of Microsec Ltd., or, if a separate authentication clause is used, with
an authentication clause.

The member of the Law Firm shall either sign the electronic copies (documents) separately or the e-file
containing the electronic documents as a whole; in the latter case, the e-file containing the electronic copies
shall be treated as a whole and the electronic documents contained therein shall be considered as a certified
electronic copy (document) only as a whole.

When making electronic copies, the member of the law firm uses an electronic signature that is also timestamped.

6. Legal compliance and liability

The Law Firm ensures compliance with the legal requirements when making certified electronic copies of paper

The Eüsz. Vhr., other legislation governing the making of copies and these Rules, the Law Firm shall be liable for any
breach of the provisions of these Rules.

Date: Szegeden, 2022. octóber 7.

Dr. Tanács Ferenc József
Office manager lawyer
(Electronically authenticated document))

Dr. Tanács Law Firm’s

Copying Policy

Annex 1 – supplementary sheet containing the authentication clause:


I, Dr. Ferenc József Tanács, attorney-at-law, certify that the copy of the original paper document is a true and correct copy.
This page is not part of the original paper document, it is only used to display the endorsement required for legal compliance.

Date: Szeged, according to time stamp

Dr. Tanács Ferenc József
KASZ: 36073738
Dr. Tanács Ügyvédi Iroda
(6726 Szeged, Bérkert u. 64/B.)